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News + Events

The next few weeks: where are we at?


For some people, it’s been a tough couple of months, while others have found solace in peaceful time with family, but in Victoria, the time has come where some restrictions are being slowly lifted. We’re not quite back to things as usual yet, but it’s good to know that visits with your friends and loved ones are now back on the list of the possible, and that some venues are slowly opening up.

Of course, with coronavirus still around to an extent, it’s important to look after yourself, so do things as slowly as you need. Just because things are opening up, you don’t have to jump in to what you don’t feel like. Remember that:

  • If you have been working from home over the last months, you absolutely must continue working from home, at least until the end of June: that’s an order from the Chief Health Officer to make sure that we progress slowly as regards public transport and crowded roads.
  • You need to still be aware of maintaining your social distance when out and about. Please stay at home if you feel unwell. Wash your hands after being out, and make sure you seek information from your doctor or testing if you have any symptoms such as a fever, cough or cold.

Over the coming weeks, Positive Women Victoria will fine tune the plan for our office arrangements and our member events after July. Our office remains closed for now, but all our staff are still here for you, and have been continuing to provide peer support to our members in many ways: by phone, online, and by email. You may hear from Bernadette or one of our staff if you haven’t already, as we continue checking in on our members, and supporting people directly affected by the current circumstances, whether financially, socially or in terms of mental health and wellbeing. We’ve also continued our program of advocacy for positive women, worked on our campaign to tackle stigma, and started planning for a few new and exciting kinds of activities.

One event planned is a Women’s Health Online, in July, and we will send out info soon about the activities on offer and how to join in. If this period has made you think you’d like to find new ways to connect with women, but the cost of technology is a barrier, please contact us to discuss our Rose Fund grants for members.

For government information on coronavirus visit: dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus

And don’t hesitate to Contact Us for peer support or any additional help at all.