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Board + Staff

Board Office Bearers

Interested in becoming a PWV Board member? Read our PWV board brochure.

Stephanie Raper, Chair

Stephanie has been a part of Positive Women all her life. Steph has had a 17-year career as an AIDS activist where she has spoken at a UNAIDS civil society hearing and attended three international AIDS conferences. Steph has spoken alongside prominent figures, including Annie Lennox and the Crown Princess of Norway. Steph wishes to honour the past and include as many long-term survivors as possible in the organisation’s future. 

Jessica, Vice Chair

Jess is excited to be part of such an amazing community for women living with HIV and to be a part of the change towards challenging HIV stigma globally. Since being diagnosed in 2020, as daunting as that day was, Jess says she wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for the HIV community. “I finally feel like I belong somewhere, and advocacy is really something I am now passionate about and being part of the Board is such an honour,”Jess says.  Jess plans to help people through studying community services. She is a die hard Richmond Football Club supporter. 

Janice, Treasurer

In Janice’s own words, “I am truly grateful for the opportunity to join PWV as Treasurer, aand for the support this organisation has given me. Over time, I’ve witnessed how the members here are always so willing to help one another, creating a sense of genuine care and community that is deeply inspiring. I wanted to join the PWV Board because I want to give back by supporting and empowering the women in this community. They are truly deserving of more care, compassion, and dedication, and I am committed to contributing my time and efforts to make a positive impact in their lives.”

Staff Members

Dr Kirsty Machon, Executive Officer

Kirsty has been involved with HIV-related journalism, advocacy and policy development for over 20 years. Kirsty was the first female Chair of VAC (now Thorne Harbour Health) and has worked for AFAO and NAPWHA. She has also worked as a policy manager and CEO of an association representing health care professionals. As a consultant in the HIV sector,  she has worked in strategic planning. She is committed to challenging HIV-related stigma in the community. Kirsty completed her doctoral studies in the History and Philosophy of Science. Kirsty can be emailed at: kirsty@positivewomen.org.au


Melissa Iddles, Community Partnerships Coordinator

Melissa’s background includes peer support work (in both HIV and homelessness), community arts and cultural development, and quality assurance in disability employment services, as well as literacy and kitchen gardening in children’s education. Melissa completed her degree in the study of communication. She has been a member of Positive Women Victoria since 2005, and joined the team as a Peer Support Worker in 2017. Since September 2022, Melissa brings this depth of experience to the role of Partnerships and Pathways Leader, fostering connections with organisations that support positive women. Melissa would like to see a fair world, which upholds the dignity of every person.

Bernadette Roberts , Peer Support

Bernadette or Bernie, as she is known to many PWV members, has worked on the team as a casual peer support worker since 2019. Bernie’s focus over the past two years has been to re-connect older members with PWV and advise them of services and support available especially during COVID lockdowns. Bernie has been a member of PWV since 1996 and has many long established connections with members. She is passionate about encouraging more women to attend events and advising them of what support PWV provides as well as connecting them to all the other support services available in the community.  Bernie lives in Melbourne’s St Kilda with her husband and three teenage children. 

Emily Parsons, Peer Support

Emily Parsons joined our team as  Peer Support Worker in July 2022. Emily brings a passion for helping women living with HIV to build their confidence, to meet the challenges of HIV stigma, and to connect with other women and supportive services and communities.  Emily is also a PWV member and has formed connections with many PWV members at our events. 

Heather Ellis, Communications & Engagement Coordinator

Heather Ellis has been a member of Positive Women Victoria since 2002 and has previously worked as a journalist for News Ltd and in communications for Plan International, a child-centred international community development agency. Heather is a mother of three boys and is also a published author (Ubuntu – Black Inc. 2016 and Timeless On The Silk Road –  Phonte 2019). Her books are based on her solo motorcycle journey through Africa and Central Asia from 1993 to 1997. Timeless On The Silk Road is also a unique personal account of her overland journey after her HIV diagnosis in 1995, a year before the discovery of effective HIV treatments. Heather can be emailed at: comms@positivewomen.org.au