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Become a Member

Individual members have many different experiences and stories of living with HIV. As an organisation, it is important to us that we can create an environment and a response to HIV in Victoria that is inclusive for everyone.

Age, time since diagnosis, life and personal history before and after diagnosis, as well as community, family and cultural experiences and connections are among the many points of divergent experience.

Our membership changes over time. Each year, we welcome new members. Women join us to access our peer support services, to make social contact with other women living with HIV, to join the governance Board, to share stories through our website, seek referral or information about a diagnosis or about living with HIV, or to volunteer their time and skills.

Membership Application 

As a member of Positive Women Victoria (PWV), you will have access to a variety of services, events and training designed to assist women in living their best lives with a diagnosis of HIV.

We also offer members a wide range of peer support opportunities, a regular members newsletter and provide advocacy to ensure our members voices a heard.

Please note, any information you provide voluntarily is stored in accordance with our Privacy Policy. 

PWV support services are for women with HIV only. Apply to become a member via info@positivewomen.org.au.


“My experience of being so isolated as an Indigenous female living with HIV has had a lot to do with me needing to become more actively involved in the HIV sector.”

– Michelle