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Unpacking the HIV Science presented at AIDS2024 – WATCH THE RECORDING

WATCH THE RECORDING   (Recorded on 14/8/2024) This ”ín conversation” webinar provides a summary of the HIV science as it relates to the HIV reservoir, HIV cure, treatments and controlling low level inflammation, as presented at AIDS2024, the 25th International AIDS…

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Your Safety & Security Online webinar – Watch The Recording

Hear from an eSafety expert from the eSafety Commissioner on how to safeguard your online presence. You will  learn what not to do and what to do to stay safe online. Learn practical tips from avoiding falling victim to online…

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Inflammation and aging – a presentation by Professor Jenny Hoy

In this presentation, Professor Jenny Hoy talks about inflammation and aging  for people over 50 years with HIV. Topics covered include: What is Chronic Inflammation? What it does to your body, including how being overweight increases inflammation and why? How…

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Thriving With HIV: Metabolic Update – Watch the webinar recording

Recorded on 26/3/2024 Topics covered include weight gain, cholesterol, high-blood pressure, cardiovascular risk, menopause and diabetes Thriving with HIV : Update on Metabolic Health is a presentation by Dr Ana Milinkovic from the UK, and provides an update on components…

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HIV Cure Research in 2024

HIV Cure Research in 2024 webinar was recorded on 10/01/2024 Hosted by Positive Women Victoria with special guest Dr Jillian Lau, who explains the latest science behind HIV cure research happening in Australia and internationally and what we can expect…

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Finding ‘Meaningful’ Work webinar – WATCH THE RECORDING

The Finding ‘Meaningful’ Work webinar (held on 17/10/2023) with panellists Julia Karlsson from Fitted For Work and Therese Bizas from She Works, outlines all the FREE workshops, programs and tools to help you on your journey towards finding meaningful employment….

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The role of a PWV Board Member Explained

Present board members, Chair Stephanie Raper and Treasurer Rachel Meisner along with two past PWV Chairs Bev Greet (PWV co-founder) and Heather Ellis helped de-mystify what’s involved in being a PWV board member at this recent webinar hosted by PWV…

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Emotional Support & Counselling Options Webinar

Hosted by PWV with guest speaker Alexandra Storey, a counsellor from Thorne Harbour Health. In this webinar, Alex explain counselling options for your emotional support. You will also learn how to access free or low-cost counselling services. Attendees questions are…

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Menopause and Women Living with HIV

Menopause and Women Living with HIV webinar, hosted online by Positive Women Victoria, features expert panellist  Dr Nneka Nwokolo, an honorary HIV and sexual health consultant from the UK who has specialised knowledge of menopause and women living with HIV….

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Financial Wellbeing with Lynda Horn

WATCH THE RECORDING Learn how to access financial support services and grants, manage debts and nurture your financial wellbeing in this  webinar hosted by Positive Women Victoria. Guest speaker Lynda Horn, a Financial Counsellor with Thorne Harbour Health outlines what…

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Your Gut Health and HIV

This webinar (held on 14/9/2021) explains why diet matters for people living with HIV. Featuring an expert panel, Infectious diseases specialist Professor Sharon Lewin and clinical holistic nutritionist Skye Wiles, you will learn why gut health and diet are so…

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U=U is Your Story Too – For Women

A ground-breaking forum and Australian-first, U=U is Your Story Too is a panel discussion focused on the Undetectable = Untransmittable message as it relates specifically to women living with HIV. The U=U message is a global  campaign to end HIV…

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Women HIV Cure Research

Register for the  VICTORIAN HIV CURE DATABASE and for latest HIV cure science visit   HIV CURE Or click on the QR code to register for the Victorian HIV Cure Database Held on Wednesday, 22 March 2023, Positive Women Victoria was…

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Liver Health and HIV

Your Liver Health & HIV webinar hosted by Positive Women Victoria focused on Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Special guests/panellists are: Dr  David Iser, gastroenterologist and hepatologist from Melbourne, Emily Parsons, a woman living with HIV who has been diagnosed…

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