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News + Events

Support Women Living With HIV – Rose Fund Appeal 2024


Your generous donation will go directly to support women with HIV through Positive Women Victoria’s Rose Fund grant program. Target for the Rose Fund Appeal: $20,000


The Rose Fund provides small grants to support members to complete personal development, skills development and further education to reach their potential.

How the Rose Fund has helped women living with HIV:

With the help from the Rose Fund, I enrolled in an aged care course and I now have a full time job with a good income. This means so much for my life. Thank you…’ 

‘Thank you Rose Fund. This grant helped me buy a laptop so I could do an online computer course, which also gave me the confidence to do further study and I now have a job in administration.’

‘The Rose Fund paid for my Certificate 2 in Security Operations and I can now work as a security guard at venues and events such as shopping centres, banks, music concerts, festivals, weddings and large parties. Thank you…’

‘When I found myself at a low point, the idea to learn guitar was my salvation. A grant from the Rose Fund paid for lessons. Playing my guitar brings me so much joy. Thank you Rose Fund.’

DONATE NOW               You may also wish to leave a bequest.

Your donation is tax deductible as Positive Women Victoria is a deductible gift recipient (DGR). A tax receipt will be provided to you.

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WATCH THRIVING –  a performance poem by women with HIV  (depicting their lived experience and speaks of the importance of visibility and inclusion for women with HIV).