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News + Events

PWV Treasurer role (volunteer): call for Expressions of Interest


Do you have skills in finance, accounting, or experience running your own business?

Are you a member or ally of PWV who would you like to support our work by joining our Board in the important role of Treasurer?

By taking on this role, you can help contribute your skills and experience in finance, accounting, small business management or similar to make sure PWV’s finances are running smoothly, and that we are secure for the future.

The Board is taking Expressions of Interest now. The duties of the Treasurer include:

  • Attending the PWV board meetings held each two months
  • Working with the Executive Officer and financial contractor to ensure the Board receives reports at each meeting on the organisation’s expenditure against budget, and budget forecast
  • Presenting the financial reports at the Board meetings and the Annual General Meeting
  • Participation in the process of setting the organisation’s annual Budget
  • Providing oversight of the annual audit and preparation of the financial statements on behalf of the Board
  • Chairing the Finance and Risk Committee to make sure the organisation is operating at a high standard of transparency

Volunteering in this role can be a great asset on your CV and for your future career. Support and training is available in the role, and to help you understand the governance of PWV.

To express your interest in this role, please send an email to Executive Officer Kirsty Machon kirsty@positivewomen.org.au and include a brief statement of any relevant skills, qualifications, or experience you might have, as well as why the role is of interest to you.


DOWNLOAD PWVs Annual Report: AnnualReport 2022-2023

PWV board, staff, members and guests attended the 2023 AGM where Chair Stephanie Raper and Executive Officer Kirsty Machon reported on PWVs achievements in our support and advocacy work and presented the Treasurers report.

PWV is proud to welcome two new board members (Directors): Deodata Masvosva and Jessica Taylor who bring a new a vibrant energy to the PWV board. Along with our Chair, Stephanie Raper, Deodata and Jessica join PWVs board members, Rachel Meisner (Treasurer), Nicki Russell (Secretary) and Regina Kipruto (Director).