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Positive Women Victoria seeks skilled and passionate people to join its Board

Do you want to share your skills to help support women living with HIV?

Do you have ideas that will help Positive Women Victoria grow so we can continue to support women with HIV?

Are you passionate about helping women living with HIV reach their potential?

If so, we need you. We’re looking for volunteer Board members to join a governance team to keep Positive Women Victoria thriving.

About Positive Women Victoria:

Positive Women Victoria (PWV) is a not-for-profit organisation funded by the Victorian government providing peer support and advocacy for women living with HIV.
For over 35 years, PWV has supported the diverse community of women who live with HIV in Victoria to navigate health and social support pathways after a diagnosis; achieve
their best health outcomes; and thrive in life. We engage with a wide variety of health partners across Victoria.

PWV provides:
• One on one peer support.
• Group peer support such as workshops, lunches and our annual retreat.
• Referrals to services such as clinical care, mental health support, legal and
immigration support, housing services, family violence services, sexual and reproductive health services and more.
• Health promotion, webinars, workshops and leadership development.


About the Positive Women Victoria Board:

The PWV Board is a mixed Board with leadership provided by women who are living with HIV, and governance positions available for women who wish to make a contribution
regardless of HIV status. These are all volunteer positions.
Women who live with HIV are especially encouraged to apply, but applications are accepted from women who are willing to join PWV as an Associate Member who feel they
have skills to offer and who would like to gain the experience or share experience already gained by being on a Board.


The commitment we ask of Board members is to:

• Attend bimonthly meetings by a mix of in-person and online meetings.
• Contribute to Board discussions and help the Board set its strategic directions.
• Engage in business planning and work with the executive officer and a small team to ensure women living with HIV are supported to help meet their needs.
• Support the Chair and other Board members as needed in their work to ensure PWV is governed to a high standard and in a position to achieve its mission and aims.


This opportunity might be for you if:

• You would like to support a vibrant peer-led organisation aiming to ensure all women living with HIV have the opportunities they need to meet health and life goals.
• You want the experience of working on a volunteer Board in a leading community-based organisation with a wide range of stakeholders.
• You’re passionate about the health and wellbeing of women living with HIV, including women who are transgender or identify as gender diverse.

We especially welcome applications if you have experience or skills in any of:

• Not-for-profit governance.
• Legal issues for women including immigration.
• Working with diverse cultures and communities.
• Marketing and promotion.
• Accounting.
• Policy development.
• You have worked in areas including multicultural health and support, housing, community legal or sexual and reproductive health for women.

We’d love to hear from you if:

You have the time to commit to a volunteer Board role and are interested in contributing to the governance of PWV.

Applications are welcome regardless of HIV status:
We do not ask women to disclose their HIV status unless they choose to. Applications are also welcome from transgender women or those who identify as gender-diverse. PWV does not provide services for people who self-identify exclusively as male.
You may apply at any time to fill a vacancy by Board appointment, or if you would like your appointment to be considered at our 2024 Annual General Meeting, please apply by COB Wednesday, 23 October 2024.

To apply or find out more, please contact Kirsty Machon, PWV Executive Officer for a confidential discussion:
Kirsty Machon
Email: kirsty@positivewomen.org.au
Phone: 0478 827 217 or the PWV office (03) 9863 8747