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News + Events

Our Future, Beyond Resilience: A HIV Congress in Melbourne


12 – 13 February 2022 in Melbourne

The HIV congress will bring together a diverse group of people living with HIV in Australia to discuss what it means to live ‘beyond resilience’. An online pre-congress event will also be held on 10 November 2021.

The Congress and program has been developed by an independent advisory group of people living with HIV. It is funded by ViiV Healthcare Australia, with partnership support from the National Association of People with HIV Australia (NAPWHA).

Funding for 110 people to attend at no cost is available by online secure application. However, you can also contact  PWV to discuss alternatives if you do not feel comfortable with providing your information online. Applications (without your identity) are assessed by a PLWH panel to ensure diversity in who is sponsored to attend. You can also self-fund to attend and Positive Women Victoria will consider applications through its Rose Fund personal development scheme. Contact PWV to apply.

NAPWHA and ViiV Healthcare will not have any access or ownership over personal information shared in the application process.

Deadline for applications close on 1 September 2021.
For details and to apply visit: Beyond Resilience