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News + Events

Make a difference, learn new skills on the PWV Board


‘With the AGM on Tuesday, 8 November, there are still places on the PWV Board’ 

At the close of formal nominations for the PWV Board, we received three nominees. However, if you missed the deadline, there are still opportunities to be a part of the Board with some remaining vacancies.

All PWV members are welcome to self- nominate for the Board. The PWV Board plays an important part in making sure PWV is providing the best and most relevant leadership, support and programs, and that everything we do is informed by the experiences of women living with HIV.

Being on the PWV Board is a way to share your personal knowledge, and gain valuable experience that can be of benefit in your life and career.

The Board Chair, Stephanie Raper welcomes you to have a chat with her about what is involved in being a Board member. If you would like to know more, please get in touch and we can arrange for Steph to give you a call.

To self-nominate for the PWV Board, to learn more or arrange to speak to Steph, please email Kirsty, EO of Positive Women at: kirsty@positivewomen.org.au  or phone: (03) 98638747.

Read the PWV Board Brochure

PWV’s Annual General Meeting 2022 will be held on Tuesday, 8 November from 6pm to 8pm at the Positive Living Centre, 51 Commercial Road, South Yarra, Melbourne.

To attend, please RSVP: kirsty@positivewomen.org.au  or phone: (03) 98638747