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Covid-19 vaccine for people living with HIV


People living with HIV are eligible to receive the Covid-19 vaccine (locally produced AstraZeneca vaccine) as part of the Phase 1B vaccine roll out from Monday, 22 March 2021. Phase 1B includes people with an underlying medical condition including people living with HIV.

To find out where you can book an appointment to get the vaccine at a Covid-19 vaccination clinic in your area go to the Australian Department of Health  Covid-19 Vaccination website

This  will take you to the Vaccine Eligibility Checker. You will answer a series of questions about your eligibility. The last question asks if you have an underlying medical condition. After you click yes, the next page asks you to enter your postcode and you will be given a list of Covid-19 vaccination clinics near you. You then phone a clinic to make your appointment.

Due to the high level of demand, you may have to wait several weeks for your appointment. While it’s great the vaccines are becoming available, just remember that it’s early days, and you may need to be patient making a booking over coming weeks. Don’t panic though: it’s good to know people living with HIV will be able to access the vaccine, but remember that most people with HIV will not be at increased risk from COVID. If you think you need more urgent consideration, contact your GP.

When you attend your vaccine appointment, you will need to provide proof of your eligibility either through Medicare  (My Health Record) or a letter from your GP doctor or from your HIV specialist doctor at your HIV clinic.

To find out where you can book an appointment go to:
Covid-19 Vaccination website  or you can phone the National coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccine helpline 1800 020 080 (24 hours / 7 days a week).

You can also find more information at: Australian Department of Health Covid-19 vaccines

The Australian Department of Health also offers information about vaccinations in a number of other languages.

In this COVID-19 VACCINE video. Professor Sharon Lewin (Director – Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity) answers questions about the Astra-Zeneca vaccine and what this means for people living with HIV.

Sharon is interviewed by Dr John Rule (NAPWHA Senior Research Manager) on 29 March 2021 .