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News + Events

Born with HIV, PWV Chair Stephanie Raper, challenges HIV stigma


Stephanie Raper, Chair of Positive Women Victoria shares her story of being born with HIV and today as a young woman, is thriving with HIV. Launched on the 8th National Day of Women Living with HIV on 9 March 2023, at a morning tea hosted by Positive Women Victoria at Thorne Harbour Health, Steph’s video is an inspiring story of strength and resilience that challenges HIV stigma, the theme for the National Day of Women Living With HIV, which is held annually the day after International Women’s Day.

About Stephanie Raper: Stephanie has been a part of Positive Women all her life. Steph has had a 17-year career as an AIDS activist where she has spoken at a UNAIDS civil society hearing and attended three international AIDS conferences. Steph has spoken alongside prominent figures, including Annie Lennox and the Crown Princess of Norway. Steph wishes to honour the past and include as many long-term survivors as possible in Positive Women Victoria’s future.

Watch Steph’s video, a film production by Cooper Walters.