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Beyond and Behind the Faces of HIV and AIDS – contribute lived experience stories


Beyond and Behind the Faces of HIV and AIDS
An international book project calling for lived experiences 

Download the book with stories compiled so far:  Beyond and Behind the Faces of HIV and AIDS

ICW (International Community of Women Living With HIV) member Wadzanai Garwe from Zimbabwe is compiling stories of lived experiences from women living with HIV for the book Beyond and Behind the Faces of HIV and AIDs.

Wadzanai says the book project has gained so much momentum. “I have been overwhelmed by the lived experiences and have been sharing the book with policy makers, artists and specifically health professionals to try and change the stigma related to HIV and AIDS.”

Wadzanai says she hopes to get as many experiences as possible in many languages and will be collecting stories until 30 June 2023.

You can submit you story in any language you choose and you can also dictate your story, as transcribers can translate into English.

If you would like to share your lived experience of HIV to be published in the book (either with or without your name), please email:

Download the book with stories compiled so far:  Beyond and Behind the Faces of HIV and AIDS

Learn more about ICW and to join as a woman living with HIV.