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News + Events

Positive Women Victoria support, COVID-19 support and vaccination information


The PWV team are all back on deck, and while it’s not possible to drop in to our offices without prior appointment or discussion yet, please don’t hesitate to call or email us if we can help you in any way. Peer support is available via phone, online or by prior appointment. Please contact us if you need any support:  Email: or phone  (03) 9863 8747

COVID-19  support and vaccinations 

Here you will find information and links to support if you are isolating with COVID-19 or would like more information on vaccinations including vaccinations for children.

This link provides information on financial support:

If you have no other means of supporting yourself through friends and family or online grocery shopping and need additional support, basic food items may can be provided to you through an Emergency Relief package. Call the Victorian Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398 and select option four (4). If you need to speak to someone in another language, select option zero (0). Relief and support may include essential food, personal care items, help to access medicines and other practical or welfare supports.

PWV’s peer support team can also advise you on what other support is available including food support.

COVID-19 Vaccinations

Vaccination centres and GP medical clinics continue to provide COVID vaccinations and we encourage you to consider vaccination. Talk to your GP or you can find details about  vaccination centres here

These links provide videos where experts explain the latest research on COVID-19 vaccinations and links to support  available from the Victorian Government. If English is not your first Language, there are a number of language translations on COVID vaccine information. Find language translations

COVID vaccination for people with underlying medical conditions
A webinar from the Victorian Government
WATCH the recording

Children over 12 and COVID vaccinations
Experts explain and answer questions from the community in the first of The Alfred’s series of community information sessions on COVID-19 vaccines.
WATCH the recording

Fertility and COVID vaccinations
Experts explain how the COVID vaccine works around fertility issues in the second of The Alfred’s series of community information sessions on COVID-19 vaccines.
WATCH the recording

COVID, the vaccines and the benefits and risks for women living with HIV
An interactive learning session from women living with HIV from ICW North America. Although some of the details on COVID vaccines in this webinar may be specific to the US, there’s a lot of good information and questions answered.
WATCH the recording

How to set up and use Victoria’s COVID Vaccination Certificate
This link from the Victorian Government explains the process.
COVID Vaccination Certificate

Get a $250 payment for your energy bill
The Victorian Government is providing a one-off $250 payment to eligible households to help with energy costs from spending more time at home due to COVID lockdown.
You can apply for the $250 payment if you receive one of the following payments: Centrelink Pensioner Concession; JobSeeker; Youth Allowance; Austudy or Abstudy; Department of Veterans Affairs Pensioner Concession
To apply phone 9607 7103 (9.30am – 4.30pm, Mon – Fri) or visit:  Energyinfohub