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Who We Are

Positive Women Victoria provides peer support, information and advocacy for women in Victoria living with HIV. We believe women, femmes, cis women, and trans women have the right to achieve their goals and live vibrant and happy lives.

For over 30 years, Positive Women Victoria has responded to the changing needs of women living with HIV; recognising the impact gender has on the way women experience HIV and addressing the specific needs and emerging issues that affect women living with HIV in Victoria.

Positive Women Victoria is funded by the Victorian Department of Health & Human Services to provide support and health promotion to women living with HIV. 

We also work closely with community organisations, including Living Positive Victoria and Thorne Harbour Health.

Mission & Values

Our vision is that all women and girls living with HIV in Australia are free from stigma and supported in their unique journey

Our mission is to support, represent and promote effective change for women and girls living with HIV to enable their needs to be met.

Learn More about PWV’s Constitution.

Our History

Positive Women Victoria was established in 1988 as a response to two women’s experience of isolation following their positive HIV diagnoses. 

In 2009, Positive Women celebrated 20 years of advocacy and support for women.

Learn More about PWV’s history. 


“We were sure that there must be other women out there facing the same things, so we decided to set up a group for positive women.”

– Bev, Co-Founder